Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Liam has come a long way with his speech. He used to not be able to form complete words. For example his word for “dog” was “da” and his word for “bubble” was “ba”. He can say those and a multitude of other words clearly now with no problem. However he can still be pretty hard to understand when you are not around him all the time. Even Angie and I have to ask Claire to translate for us occasionally. So I got to thinking it might be helpful to put together a little ”Liam to English” dictionary to help rectify some of what he is saying with what he is meaning. I hope those who encounter Liam find it useful.

Skaning: Skating, let’s go now.

Zambowing: Zamboni (almost as cool as an auger).

Want some piece?: May I have a piece of gluten free bread please?

Jimjax: Gymnastics (old style)

Naxtix: Gymnastics (new style)

Gudunuh!: Godammit! (Not sure where he learned that)

Ehvay: Elevator (could ride it all day)

Escaway: Escalator (wonders why we can’t have one in our house)

Baze on?: Will you please help me put my roller blades on so I can skate through the house?

It’s poop in there: I see some dog poop on the ground.

Frubie?: Can I please listen to the “Free To Be You And Me” CD (for the bazillionth time)?

Tolstoy: Toy store, or the movie “Toy Story”

Toucha pwena: I know I’m not supposed to touch the printer but I really want to. I’ll try my best not to, but I can’t promise anything.

Chester sit: Sit Chester (generally repeated even if Chester is sitting)

Stwabee: Strawberry (favorite fruit)

Honey poe: Home Depot

‘Vie store: Movie store

Go the store? Go the park? Go skaning?: I’m bored

Go the store? Go the park? Go skaning (with hitting)?: I’m bored and hungry

Stows?: May I please listen to The Rolling Stones?

Dave: Any friend of mine that comes over

Pay: Computer (as in “please ‘pay’ for the computer I’m about to break”)

Seeve up?: I want to play the game where you pull your sleeve up and I rub my face on your arm.

Spinko?: Can we play in the sprinkler even though it’s February?

Chawka muk: Chocolate almond milk (new favorite drink)

Smoomie: Smoothie (old favorite drink)

Pasta tin tin tin: Pasta (not sure what tin tin tin means)

Churchy: Turkey (I guess he assumes it’s been dipped in holy water)

Koont: Anything from Ikea (see past blog entry titled “Sunday”)

Cash Cash: Cash Cab (one of his favorite TV shows. No idea why he likes it)

Jobs: Dirty Jobs (Another favorite show. Easy to know why he likes this one…)

Sowie: Cereal

It’s gonna go fast!: I’m excited

It’s gonna go fast (with hand flapping): I’m too excited

Ah voo: I love you


  1. A couple more for the list (I'll let you translate): targa?, go owsigh, 'na go home?.

  2. i think my favorite is "Dave" for any friend that comes over :)
